As you may find out further into the story, the band members are akin to each other, the fact they didn´t know about themselves before. It was only by subsequent investigation in the town registers of birth, land and church (a fiddling investigative labour with hardly any results at most places) that they all indirectly stem in the Squirrels family from the town of Rybitvi. It is indirectly because the Squirrel Cousins buried their immature children (as it is well known by history annals) and remained without offspring. There has been, however, a continuation of the family on the side of their fathers, the members of whom were scattered especially through the times of the both world wars to the lands of Bohemia, Moravia and everywhere.
The history of farming pioneers was compiled by another Czech man of genius J. D. Cimrman. Here are his  HISTORICAL FACTS.

The Squirrel Cousins can´t deny being as keen on agricultural engineering as their grand-uncles were.
2006, February: "All name entries are open to background replenishments as soon as an ample material in word and picture is procured." (Říjen 2014: tento dávný, bezmála dest let starý slib byl nyní konečně splněn - inu, jak se říká: sice pozdě, ale přece.)
Here are the band members and their assignments. It is ordered in the chronology of farming jobs throughout the year:

°Group members and their job°    
Ondra 'Barney' Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILE)

Manure distributor, sewage hand machine and VoiceLive operator.
Glenn 'Plech' Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILE)

Deep ploughing on special modified Pearl plough, with improved skive of Dallas Arbiter Co.Ltd. on Ampeg chassis.
Mates 'Clive' Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILE)

Outplanting potatoes on Premier planting machine since 1875, with "grannysit" adapter.

Gibson&Fokus rotary weeder operator, with Fender adapter on 0,08 HP efficiency.
Evan 'Risa' Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILE)

Korg three-seed-drill machine operator, improved Jethro Tull patent.
Bilbo 'Yemen' Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILE)

Preparing soil for seeding with Cherry Takamine soil cutter and with Aer Peavey rotavator.
Janek 'Pogue' Veverka, great-great-grandson of Dedek Veverka (PERSONAL PROFILES)

Straw fanner processing, on fanner without self gearing - improved, miniaturized, so-called piped version of the original Frantisek Veverka patent.